Nach der Installation des Paketes werden einige neue Statistiken dem System hinzugefügt. Die Ansicht zur Verwaltung der Statistiken ist im Menüpunkt Statistiken im Menü Berichte verfügbar.
![Statistics Overview Screen](../../../../_images/reports-statistics.png)
Neue Statistiken¶
Die folgenden Statistiken werden zu dem System hinzugefügt:
Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Priority
Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and State
Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Queue
Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Service
Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Ticket-Type
Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Priority
Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per State
Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Queue
Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Service
Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Priority
Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and State
Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Queue
Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Service
Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Priority
Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Queue
Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Service