Dieses Handbuch listet alle Feature Add-ons auf.
The feature add-ons are installed into OTRS by the Customer Solution Team. In case of On-Premise systems, the customer can install the feature add-ons from the package manager, when the Customer Solution Team added the selected feature add-ons to the repository. To install a feature add-on, please contact the Customer Solution Team via support@otrs.com or in the OTRS Portal.
Jedes Feature Add-on kann nach seinem Zweck kategorisiert werden.
- Administration
- Automatisierung & Prozesse
- Advanced Editor
- Advanced Generic Agent
- Agent Email Interface
- Automated FAQ Ticket Creator
- Automatic Start of Processes
- CI Assignment Attribute Dynamic Field Map
- Dynamic Sender Addresses
- Master / Slave
- Process Management Article Email
- Queue Responsible
- Ready2Adopt ITSM Prozesse
- Ready2Adopt-Prozesse
- Service-based Queue Routing
- Service Responsible
- Ticket-Zuteilung
- Ticket Queue Selection
- Ticket Workflow
- Kundenverwaltung
- Individualisierung
- Integration
- Wissensmanagement & Selbsthilfe
- Leistung
- Berichterstattung
- Sicherheit & Berechtigungen
- Ticket-Verwaltung
- Zeiterfassung