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Advanced Escalations

This feature add-on makes your escalation management more flexible and adjusts it according to your customers or to different service level agreements. Escalation types defined in OTRS, such as First Response Time, Update Time, and Solution Time, can be enhanced by creating new types and defining your own names and properties.

The Ticket Escalation Types option in the administrator interface enables you to define when escalations should:

  • start,
  • stop,
  • be suspended,
  • be resumed
  • and be restarted.

Ticket attributes, like its status or certain events like creating or answering a ticket, can be used as a trigger. For example, an escalation can start when a ticket is created, but the escalation can stop when the ticket is answered by the agent. If the status of a ticket is changed to Pending Reminder, the escalation is suspended, but if the status is changed back to Open, the escalation resumes. An up-to-date display of the escalation time left makes accurate service time management possible.

In the ticket view, the new widget Escalation Information appears. This shows through the use of different colors and numerical values whether or not:

  • the escalation time is still within the original timeframe (green),
  • the escalation time will run out soon (yellow),
  • the escalation is suspended (brown),
  • the escalation time has been reached, i.e. the ticket has escalated (red) or
  • escalation has been suspended or the ticket has been stopped (the window is no longer visible).

The Ticket Escalation Type Bundle option enables you to assign newly created escalation types to different customers or service level agreements.

The following scenarios can now be handled more flexibly with Advanced Escalations:

  • A customer requests a rework of a solution – the escalation must be adjusted.
  • To present a solution, more information is required from the customer – the escalation must be suspended.
  • A service technician can’t get into the building or has no free access to the machine that needs to be fixed – the escalation must be suspended.
  • And many more
  • Even more flexible escalation management – individually adoptable to customer or SLA.
  • More precise service time management by detailed indication of remaining time.
Target Groups
  • Customer service organizations having many partners or suppliers
  • External IT service providers
  • Call centers
  • Sales departments and sales companies
  • Advertising or communications agencies
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSAdvancedEscalations


Not compatible with the following feature add-ons: