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Master / SlaveΒΆ

This package adds support to create slave tickets from a master that follow their master updates. The feature has basic mode and advanced mode. Basic is the default mode.

In basic mode, it is possible to define a master ticket and some slave tickets that follow their master ticket updates:

  • Replies (sent new articles as email)
  • Notes (any new article)
  • State changes (including pending time set)
  • Priority changes
  • Owner changes
  • Responsible changes
  • Lock status changes


The master/slave status cannot be changed in basic mode.

The advanced mode allows to make the use of the master/slave relations more flexible by adding support to create new master ticket, remove the master or the slave status or assign a ticket as the slave ticket of another ticket.

The features of the advanced mode can be enabled or disabled in the system configuration.

Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSMasterSlave