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Service CategoriesΒΆ

If an agent or a customer creates a ticket and defines the ticket type, this feature add-on makes it easier to automatically display only the linked services from there on. The linking of ticket types and ticket services is carried out by an administrator with ticket configuration permissions, and it is possible to link a service to more than one ticket type, as well as a ticket type to more than one service. Ticket types and services can be additionally filtered and sorted in a drop-down menu.

  • Input help for agents and customers.
  • Avoid process errors and incorrect assignments and the additional work they cause.
  • Certain customer groups or request types can be processed more quickly.
Target Groups
  • Internal and external IT service management
  • Quality management
  • Sales
  • Facility management
  • Customer satisfaction management
  • Complaint management
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSServiceCategories