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VIP CustomerΒΆ

Service organizations who have to meet strict service level agreements (SLA) or those who want to react faster to requests from their most important customers should use this feature add-on.

Specific customer users can be defined as VIP customer users, which is shown in the customer information widget when a new ticket is created for him or the service staff is working on one of his existing tickets.

An additional list in system configuration allows an agent to assign the VIP status to several customer users.

Furthermore, SLAs can be restricted to be available to VIP customer users only. Keep an eye on your most important customers and deliver excellent service to them.

  • Respond faster to requests of specific customers.
  • Facilitates SLA management.
Target Groups
  • IT service management
  • Call centers
  • Service providers
  • All companies working with SLAs
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSVIPCustomer


Not compatible with the following feature add-on: