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Advanced Ticket Article ForwardΒΆ

With this feature add-on, ticket articles can now be sent as email attachments. This makes communication and information transfer faster and more efficient. It also helps to avoid errors caused by incorrect documents being sent.

With this new option, relevant files no longer have to be located and downloaded before being added to a new email. Service staff can select individual or multiple ticket articles and forward them directly to external recipients: Any attachment related to the selected article will be sent along with the new email.

The feature add-on applies to any type of ticket article.

  • Saves time and effort. No more searching for and downloading relevant files.
  • Enables faster communication.
  • Relieves the agents.
  • Reduces sources of error.
Target Groups
  • Customer service
  • IT service
  • Project management
  • Document management
  • Facility management
  • Human resources
  • Logistics
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSAdvancedTicketArticleForward