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Advanced Generic AgentΒΆ

This feature add-on enables the OTRS administrators to define actions for certain tickets that are carried out automatically in the agent interface. It is therefore possible to, for example, close tickets automatically using predetermined attributes (pending, escalated, etc.) or send notifications to the owner of tickets escalating soon.

The advanced generic agent now makes it possible to also assign a time value in the form of a time span instead of a certain point in time, i.e. + 2 weeks or -3 months, to the dynamic field. Employees are therefore able to specify resubmission periods or organize recurring communication processes with special customers easily and at regular intervals.

  • Makes creating and executing automated ticket actions much easier.
  • Faster processing of projects and tasks with time limits.
  • Prevents process errors and processes from being forgotten.
  • Saves work through automation.
Target Groups
  • IT service management
  • Customer service/support
  • Sales
  • Universities
  • Government
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSAdvancedGenericAgent


Not compatible with the following feature add-on: