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CI Assignment Attribute Dynamic Field MapΒΆ

This feature add-on makes it possible to link configuration items (CIs) from the OTRS CMDB with services and SLAs, thereby both providing service agents with a better overview and making it possible to offer purely CI-oriented services. This is especially helpful for companies that provide services for a wide range of different devices or products and that must conform to strict SLAs.

In addition, the feature add-on also makes it possible to map and link CI attributes to previously created dynamic fields. If the fields are merely text fields, it is possible to carry out simple mapping in the system configuration. If the CI has multiple values that must be displayed in a drop-down dynamic field in the ticket, an extended mapping must be configured.

  • Better overview for agents thanks to the assignment of CIs to services and SLAs.
  • Enables the provision of CI-oriented services with numerous CI attributes.
  • Greater flexibility and transparent linking of CI attributes to ticket dynamic fields.
  • Optimized visualization of CI attributes with multiple values in a drop-down in the ticket.
  • CI attributes are readable and searchable.
Target Groups
  • Companies that offer services for different devices/products (CIs)
  • Agents
  • Internal and external IT
  • Facility management
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSCIAssignmentAttributeDynamicFieldMap


This feature add-on requires the ITSM Configuration Management feature.