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Escalation Suspend

This feature add-on not only makes OTRS an even better tool for solving problems quickly and shortening response times, it also provides greater precision when it comes to time accounting. If you need to pause an escalation, this feature add-on will do the job perfectly. The feature add-on allows you to configure one or more statuses that will put one or more escalations (SLAs) automatically on hold. For example, if you are waiting for a third party answer or for a process step to be carried out, this feature add-on will give you more freedom by allowing you to stop the escalation countdown. Removing the state will then reactivate the escalation(s) automatically, and the time left to process the ticket will be displayed once again.

This configurable status is basically a pause function for escalations. The time that passes when the feature add-on is active is not counted in the ticket’s resolution time. This provides greater time accounting precision.

  • Minimizes unnecessary escalations.
  • Enables precise time accounting.
  • Provides greater flexibility through its configurable status.
Target Groups
  • IT service management
  • Internal IT
  • Customer service
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSEscalationSuspend


Not compatible with the following feature add-ons:

Advanced Escalations