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Restore Pending InformationΒΆ

With this feature add-on, your agents can save time dealing with recurring questions or follow-up messages from a customer. When the state pending is selected again, certain fields will be completed automatically.

After your agent has answered a question from a customer user and the customer user wants to test the recommended solution, your agent can set the ticket status to pending and specify a reminder time, a subject and a text for internal documentation. If the customer user sends another question before the reminder time runs out, your agent can answer and select the pending status again without having to re-enter the reminder time, title and text, as this information is now added automatically. If the reminder time expires, the default values are used.

  • Fewer clicks and less work by using the memory function.
  • Saves time managing recurring requests from a customer.
Target Groups
  • IT support
  • IT services
  • Facility management
  • Call centers
  • Customer service
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSRestorePendingInformation


Not compatible with the following feature add-ons: