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Time Accounting

The time accounting module extends the OTRS framework enabling the track of time that agents spend on different tasks, vacations, overtime and sick leaves.

Feature List

Time Accounting Overview
Displays for the currently logged in user a summary of its own working hours per day (month based), vacation days summary, sick leave days, and the distribution of its working hours on each project and tasks.
Time Accounting Edit
Allows to set working hours, vacation, sick leaves and overtime leaves on a day basis. The working hours can be set by defining the start and the end dates, or a period of time. The working hours can be registered per project and task. Pre-filled selection lists are used to speedup the register process and prevent typos.
Time Accounting Reporting
Designed for administrators and managers, shows a monthly based timing information summary for each registered user (working hours, overtime leave, sick leave and vacations), as well as timing information summary for each project and tasks (the time spend on each).
Time Accounting Settings
Also designed for administrators and managers. It allows the creation of multiple projects and tasks. It also enables the assignment of the users defining their working calendar, working periods (begin date, end date, number of vacation days, hours per week and allowed overtime hours).
Time Accounting Statistics
A new statistics type has been added to show working hours based on projects or users.
Time Accounting Notification
A notification reminder for agents to insert their working hours. This can be configured in the system configuration to define the maximum days without entry to display the notification.
Toolbar Shortcut For Days Without Time Accounting Entry
A counter displaying the number of days without registering the working hours can be set in the upper part of the screen (similar to the locked tickets counter or the responsible tickets counter). When clicking on the icon, agents are redirected to the Edit screen to fill the missing records.
Time Accounting Registration Enforcement
Configurable by a system configuration setting, the system can be blocked, not allowing to perform any actions, if a certain number of days without time accounting registers has been passed. In this case agents are redirected to the Edit screen to fill the missing records.
Exclusion of Time Accounting Registration Enforcement
The enforcement of logging accounted time can be disabled on a per-user base. If the User is allowed to skip time accounting checkbox is checked in the time accounting settings for this user, the user can use the full functionality of the time accounting but logging time will be completely optional. This feature may be used for cases where users are only supposed to log times irregularly or for a part of their working time.
Bulk Entries
Allows agents to set special time accounting information such as on vacation, overtime leaves and sick leave to multiple days at the same time. This feature is disabled by default.

Feature Availability

Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • TimeAccounting