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Customer-specific Services

This feature add-on makes it possible to assign services to customers so that only the assigned service is displayed when a ticket is created and only the appropriate SLAs are valid.

After installation of the package, a new module Customers ↔ Service appears in the Users, Groups & Roles group in the administrator interface. Here you can define which services should be assigned to customers.

Furthermore, you can define in the system configuration which of these options should be the leading one.

  • Efficient and well-structured administration of multiple services and SLAs for many customers.
  • Avoid the creation of unwarranted tickets that stress out your service team.
  • Optimal guidance for the customer regarding for which services he or she can open a ticket.
  • Speed-up of ticket handling process.
Target Groups
  • Internal IT departments
  • External IT service providers
  • Call centers
  • Agencies
  • Consulting businesses
  • Companies offering a wide range of services or products
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSCustomerSpecificServices