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Agent Email Interface

This feature add-on makes it possible for an agent to work with tickets via emails without having to use the web agent interface of OTRS.

In order to work with this module an agent could just reply to any ticket notification email by including one or many commands between two special command tags, like this:



<OTRS_CMD> send, nocc </OTRS_CMD>

Commands can be combined (comma separated) if it makes sense to combine them.

The following commands exist:

  • send – Sends an email to the customer, including the cc and bcc recipients (send also locks the ticket).
  • nocc – If used together with send, the cc and bcc recipients will be excluded.
  • lock – Locks the ticket.
  • unlock – Unlocks the ticket.
  • get – Gets the last customer article and sends it to the agent.
  • note – Adds an internal note to the ticket.
  • close – Closes the ticket (also unlocks the ticket).


The package restricts the functionality of this feature to agents known to the system, but it does not use advanced security mechanisms such as digital signatures and the like.

  • Saves time because frequent logging in and out is not necessary.
  • Increase flexibility because you do not have to log in to the system.
Target Groups
  • Can be used in all areas where agents are not logged in permanently to the OTRS agent interface.
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSAgentEmailInterface