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State Pre-selection Response Templates

The use of response templates saves a lot of time – especially if an agent has to answer a lot of similar customer requests, such as requests for a quote or a manual.

In the standard version of OTRS you need to define the ticket state manually every time you use a response template. This is an additional task, which needlessly costs a lot of time and even is a source for mistakes, especially when you use response templates very often.

This feature add-on makes it possible to define a ticket state for every response template right from the start, so if the answer is sent, the ticket state is set automatically. This saves time and lowers the risk for mistakes.

  • Decreasing the risk of incorrect status inputs.
  • Saving time.
Target Groups
  • Customer service organizations having many partners or suppliers
  • External IT service providers
  • Call centers
  • Sales departments and sales companies
  • Advertising or communication agencies
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSStatePreselectionResponseTemplates