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Dynamic Sender AddressesΒΆ

The sender address of your tickets in the standard version of OTRS is by default a queue-associated email address. In order to configure the sender address this feature add-on uses a special dynamic field. When replying or forwarding tickets and event-based notifications, OTRS automatically sets the new sender address. When the dynamic field is blank, the queue-associated email address is used.

In addition, you can also use this feature add-on to edit tickets from all over the world and use country-specific sender addresses. By grouping the countries and email addresses OTRS can automatically add the correct return address for each country.

  • Worldwide service with regional sender addresses.
  • Easier identification of incoming emails for your customers.
  • Improved customer loyalty.
  • Simplified teamwork with partners or outsourced divisions.
Target Groups
  • Call centers
  • Customer service
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Procurement
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSDynamicSenderAddresses