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Specific Ticket Notifications

As part of standard functionality, agents with administrator permissions can create automated notifications to be sent to a certain group of recipients of agents and/or customers. These are standard notifications, e.g. for when the owner of the ticket has changed or the ticket has been moved to another queue.

Now, with the feature add-on, agents without administrator privileges can also create individual, event-based notifications, albeit with the limitation that they can only be sent to their own email address. For example, an IT-service employee can configure individual notifications in order to be informed as soon as there is a change in the priority of a specific customer’s ticket.

  • Stay informed regarding ticket changes, even when working outside of the agent interface.
  • React to changes more quickly.
  • More personalized configuration of notifications, avoiding a flood of information.
Target Groups
  • Internal and external IT
  • Customer service
  • Sales
  • Finance
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSSpecificTicketNotifications