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Ticket WorkflowΒΆ

The feature add-on allows one to easily define business workflow templates for common tasks. Workflow task tickets can be dependent on any other task in that workflow, giving a high level of control over the order in which tasks are completed. A task that is dependent on preceding tasks will not appear in the queue until the preceding tasks are closed.

Each task ticket within a workflow can be predefined using these fields:

  • Queue
  • Subject
  • Body
  • Owner
  • Priority
  • Attachments

Individual tasks can be made dependent on another corresponding task within a workflow. This dependence means that tickets will only be shown in a queue when the dependent preceding ticket has changed to the status closed.

An agent can start a workflow through an existing ticket. The content of the original ticket will then be copied to all task tickets. All agents will have a quick overview of their tasks in their personal dashboard widgets.

Distinctive criteria:

  • No further workflows can be started within an existing workflow.
  • A task can be dependent on another task within a workflow.
  • Workflows can only be started in the agent interface.
  • Enables the improvement of handling processes.
  • Relieves agents.
  • Simplifies data collection.
  • Reduces error sources.
Target Groups
  • IT service management
  • Human resources
  • Finance
  • Internal IT
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSTicketWorkflow


This feature add-on is also available for the OTRS::ITSM module.