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Credit Card FilterΒΆ

This feature add-on offers options for the responsible handling of sensitive data, like credit card numbers, in your OTRS system. With the help of this function, it is possible to hide credit card numbers for new tickets and articles, as well as articles already stored in the system. Additionally, flexibly configurable warning messages for the credit card number can be automatically set and showed.

This mechanism for recognizing credit cards works for cards with 13, 15 or 16 digits. All articles of a ticket in the system will be scanned for valid credit card numbers before storing. Then, the majority of the digits will be encoded before storage in the system.

  • Improved data protection.
  • Less security risks for credit card data.
Target Groups
  • Customer service
  • Finance
  • Sales
  • Order management
  • Complaint management
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSCreditCardFilter