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Hide/Show Dynamic FieldsΒΆ

A dynamic field enables the extension of the information stored in a ticket and the individual configuration of your OTRS. However, dynamic fields can also cause confusion when they appear in the wrong context.

With this feature add-on you can build flexible and dynamic forms by hiding or showing fields based on ticket information, permissions and more. This is controlled by ticket access control lists.

A typical example of an internal IT department process is the ordering of hardware or software in OTRS. Dynamic fields help structure this order process through drop-down lists. For example, after choosing the hardware to be ordered, the feature add-on ensures that only appropriate choices will appear in the next step, e.g. screen, keyboard and printer. The dynamic fields defined for software, like word processing, image processing or spreadsheet software, will not be displayed.

  • Clarity and transparency for your users.
  • Flexible configuration of ticket information in the agent and external interface.
  • Faster and more accurate entering of information, saving time for your employees and customers.
Target Groups
  • IT services
  • Complaint management
  • E-commerce
  • Supply-chain management
  • IT support
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Procurement
Available in Service Package
Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSHideShowDynamicFields