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Resource Overview

While it is possible to assign resources to an appointment in any calendar overview, this screen is designed exclusively for allocating resources to appointments. The resource overview screen is available in the Resource Overview menu item of the Calendar menu.

This screen looks very much like a regular calendar overview. It has a filter for teams on top and a list of agents for that team (available only in time-line views). By choosing a team from the top filter, you will be presented with all appointments assigned to it. A new button Timeline Custom is also added as a new customizable view.

Resource Overview Screen

Resource Overview Screen

Management screens for the Resource Overview screen:

  • Click on the Manage Calendars button to set up some calendars.
  • Click on the Manage Teams button to create teams.
  • Click on the Manage Team Agents button to assign agents to teams.
  • Click on the Add Appointment button to create appointment in the configured calendars.


The buttons are available only, if calendars, teams and team agent are configured properly.

Once you have both teams and their agents set up, you can proceed to a calendar overview and start assigning appointments to teams and agents. Simply add or edit an appointment, and choose both team and agent from the lists under resource. You can do this via any calendar overview, as appointment edit dialog is the same for all of them.

By simply dragging an appointment to a row line with an agent’s name in time-line view, it is possible to assign an appointment to this resource. If an appointment does not have an agent assigned to it, it will appear in the Unassigned row of the screen. An appointment with multiple assigned agents will be displayed in each row of assigned agents. Dragging one instance of this appointment will move all them in the same fashion.

By editing settings of the resource overview via gear icon in top right corner, you can choose which team agents are displayed within the overview and you can customize the Timeline Custom view.

There is an other icon in the top right corner labeled with double arrow. Clicking on this icon makes the current view full screen and hides the left sidebar. If you click on the full screen icon again, the view is restored and the left sidebar will be visible. The full width mode is stored in the user preferences, so the full screen mode is remembered even after reloading the overview screens.

The Timeline Custom view with the extended settings dialog and the full screen mode is available also in the Calendar Overview screen.

In all other aspects, resource overview screen behaves in the same way as a regular calendar overview.

Timeline Custom Settings

The Settings screen can be accessed via the gear icon in top right corner of the Calendar widget. The gear icon will be visible when you hover the mouse over the widget header. By default, the gear icon is not visible.

Some of these settings have been applied also to the regular calendar overview.

Calendar Settings Dialog

Calendar Settings Dialog

The following settings are available when adding or editing this resource. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Shown resources
This setting is user and team specific, and if you have defined an agent filter in this way, a trash icon will be displayed on top of the list of agents so you can remove it easily.
Resource information

Show additional resource information next to the agent name in the Resource Overview screen. You can use OTRS smart tags related to agents, e.g. <OTRS_AGENT_X>. You can even access agent preferences.

See also

The additional resource information can be added in setting AppointmentCalendar::CustomTimeline::ResourceInformation in the system configuration.

Show weekends
Select whether the weekends should be displayed or not.
Shown weeks
Select how many weeks should be displayed in the Timeline Custom view.
Start time
Select the start time for the Timeline Custom view. The default 00:00 means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight).
End time
Select the end time for the Timeline Custom view. The default 24:00 means the end time will be at the very end of the day (midnight).
Slot duration
Select the time slot duration for the Timeline Custom view. The default 2 Hours means that each shown time slot has the duration of two hours (e.g. 12 slots are shown for a day 00:00 - 24:00).
Slot width
Select the time slot width for the Timeline Custom view. The default 100 Pixel means that each shown time slot has a width of 100 pixel.

In Timeline Custom view, it is possible to show more information on each shown appointment. For this, you have to configure the setting Additional Description in the Calendars screen.

Add Appointment

You can assign multiple teams and agents to a single appointment, but you must always choose a team first. Resulting list of agents is an aggregate of all selected teams, without any duplicates. Choosing an agent from the list is also optional, so you can leave an appointment assigned only to a team.

Add Appointment Dialog

Add Appointment Dialog

Calendar Subscriptions

It is possible to use a filter in calendar subscription feature.

To use the calendar subscription feature:

  1. Open the Calendar Overview or the Resource Overview screens.
  2. Click on the gear icon next to a calendar in the Calendars widget in left sidebar.
  3. Select the teams and resources you want to filter for.
  4. Click on the Copy button. Now the URL is copied to the clipboard.
  5. Go to your calendar application and paste the URL.
Calendar Subscription Settings Dialog

Calendar Subscription Settings Dialog

The dialog is kept open after clicking on Copy button, to be able to change the selected teams and resources.