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Administrator Interface

This package provides new features to the ticket screens, using the bundled packages Hide/Show Dynamic Fields, Dynamic Ticket Templates and Restore Pending Information, as well as other functionalities provided by this package itself.

Hide/Show Dynamic Fields package allows the definition of ACLs based visibility of dynamic fields. For more information see the documentation of the package.

Dynamic Ticket Templates package uses the extension to the ACLs mechanism to create ticket templates based on the selected ticket type and service. These templates include a predefined ticket body, title, attachments and full dynamic fields visibility configuration.

Restore Pending Information package provides the functionality to pre-select the target time for pending reminder with the last target time (including time, status, title and text) set by the agent. For more information see the documentation of the package.

Ticket Forms itself, enables to set a custom maximum length for services and SLA names in ticket creation screens.

This feature can work cooperatively with Ticket Workflow package by integrating defined ticket workflows into a template and trigger them automatically when the ticket is created.

Example Usage

For this example we will use the same fields as in the example of Hide/Show Dynamic Fields, but is necessary to comment or remove the ACLs.


While the dynamic ticket templates can work in conjunction with other ACL rules, it is recommended to test the templates without other affecting ACLs, and after the templates work as needed, incorporate other ACLs one by one.


To show the full functionalities of the dynamic ticket templates we can simply remove all dynamic fields for New Phone Ticket in the system configuration setting Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone###DynamicField or disable the dynamic fields:

Brand → 0 - Disabled
VWModel → 0 - Disabled
VWProductionFacility → 0 - Disabled
PeugeotModel → 0 - Disabled
PeugeotProductionFacility → 0 - Disabled
Fuel → 0 - Disabled
Accessories → 0 - Disabled
Remarks → 0 - Disabled
RegistrationDate → 0 - Disabled
InvoiceDate → 0 - Disabled

To define a dynamic ticket template it is necessary to specify a ticket type and a service. If these features are not activated by default, please follow the next steps before start using this feature.

To activate ticket type and service features:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.

  2. Select OTRS in the Navigation widget.

  3. Navigate to Core → Ticket in the navigation tree.

  4. Scroll down to the setting Ticket::Service and enable it.

  5. Scroll down to the setting Ticket::Type and enable it.


    If you already have ITSM packages installed, these options are already active.

To activate ticket type and service features for the external interface:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.
  2. Select All settings in the Navigation widget.
  3. Navigate to Frontend → External → View → TicketCreate in the navigation tree.
  4. Scroll down to the setting ExternalFrontend::TicketCreate###Service and enable it.
  5. Scroll down to the setting ExternalFrontend::TicketCreate###TicketType and enable it.

Create the following services:

  • Peugeot Service
  • VW Service

All services should be available for the customer user who will use this feature, or marked as default services.

Goals of This Example

The goals of this example are the follows:

  • If the selected service is VW Service and the selected dynamic ticket template is VW Template 1, the ticket form should look like:

    Subject VW Service Request 1
    • Oil Change
    • Oil Filter Change
    • Air Filter Change
    • Fluids Check
    Dynamic Fields
    • VWModel: visible and required
    • VWProductionFacility: visible
  • If the selected service is VW Service and the selected dynamic ticket template is VW Template 2, the ticket form should look like:

    Subject VW Service Request 2
    Body The selected accessory reports the following issues:
    Dynamic Fields
    • VWModel: visible
    • Accessories: visible and required
    • Remarks: visible
    • RegistationDate: visible
    • InvoiceDate: visible
  • If the selected service is Peugeot Service, the ticket form should look like:

    Subject Peugeot Service Request
    Body The car computer reports the following issues:
    Dynamic Fields
    • PeugeotModel: visible
    • PeugeotProductionFacility: visible
    • Fuel: visible

Create Dynamic Ticket Templates

To create a dynamic ticket template:

  1. Open the Dynamic Ticket Templates module of the Ticket Settings group in the administrator interface.
  2. Click on the Add template button in the left sidebar.
  3. Fill in the required fields.
  4. Click on the Save button.

If you have added other dynamic fields by your own, the template form will show more fields than the ones explained in this examples. There is nothing to worry about, just leave all other dynamic fields as Hide while you create the new templates.

There are special dynamic fields from ITSM packages that are not displayed in the template form. These special fields have a determined behavior and they should be always hidden, always shown or their visibility depends on other configurations, so they can not be part of the template definition. Also any dynamic field marked as Internal will not be displayed in the template form.

See also

A quick way to know if a dynamic field is Internal is to look at dynamic fields in the overview table of the Dynamic Fields Management screen. Internal dynamic fields can not be deleted, and they does not have a icon in the Delete column.

Create the VW Template 1 dynamic ticket template with the following data:

Field name Value
Name VWTemplate1
Comments VW Template 1
Valid Valid
Frontend Agent and External Interface
Type Unclassified
Service VW Service
Subject VW Service Request 1
  • Oil Change
  • Oil Filter Change
  • Air Filter Change
  • Fluids Check
Brand Hide
VWModel Show as mandatory
VWProductionFacility Show
PeugeotModel Hide
PeugeotProductionFacility Hide
Fuel Hide
Accessories Hide
Remarks Hide
RegistationDate Hide
InvoiceDate Hide

Create the VW Template 2 dynamic ticket template with the following data:

Field name Value
Name VWTemplate2
Comments VW Template 2
Valid Valid
Frontend Agent and External Interface
Type Unclassified
Service VW Service
Subject VW Service Request 2
Body The selected accessory reports the following issues:
Brand Hide
VWModel Show
VWProductionFacility Hide
PeugeotModel Hide
PeugeotProductionFacility Hide
Fuel Hide
Accessories Show as mandatory
Remarks Show
RegistationDate Show
InvoiceDate Show

Create the Peugeot Template dynamic ticket template with the following data:

Field name Value
Name PeugeotTemplate
Comments Peugeot Template
Valid Valid
Frontend Agent and External Interface
Type Unclassified
Service Peugeot Service
Subject Peugeot Service Request
Body The car computer reports the following issues:
Brand Hide
VWModel Hide
VWProductionFacility Hide
PeugeotModel Show
PeugeotProductionFacility Show
Fuel Show
Accessories Hide
Remarks Show
RegistationDate Show
InvoiceDate Show

Activate Dynamic Ticket Templates

Once there are one or more templates activated in the system, you can use them.


ACL restrictions will be ignored for the superuser account (UserID 1).

To activate a dynamic ticket template:

  1. Click on the New phone ticket menu item of the Ticket menu in the navigation bar.

    There is a new field called Dynamic Ticket Template. By default it is empty and it will be filled automatically when you select the appropriate combination of ticket type and service.

  2. Fill the form with the following data:

    • Type: Unclassified
    • Customer user: Customer 1
    • To queue: Misc
    • Service: VW Service
  3. The Dynamic Ticket Template field will be automatically populated with VW Template 1 and VW Template 2.

  4. Select each template and match the resulting New Phone Ticket form with the expected results.

  5. Now change the selected service to Peugeot Service. As there is only one template defined for this combination of ticket type and service, the template will be automatically selected for you.

  6. Compare the resulting New Phone Ticket form with the expected results.

This complete example can be tested also New Email Ticket or external New Ticket screen without changing anything.

The template definition is independent from the screen and once a template is defined, it can be used on any ticket creation screen, but please review the dynamic field configuration on each screen for the default fields configuration when a template is not selected.

Dynamic Ticket Templates Customer Groups

For this example we will use the Peugeot Template defined in the example above.

The goal to have a pre-filled form to create a new ticket in external interface.

To configure a customer group:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.
  2. Select OTRS in the Navigation widget.
  3. Navigate to Core → Customer in the navigation tree.
  4. Scroll down to the setting CustomerGroupSupport and enable it.
  5. Select OTRSTicketForms in the Navigation widget.
  6. Navigate to Core → DynamicTicketTemplate in the navigation tree.
  7. Scroll down to the setting Ticket::DynamicTicketTemplate::CustomerGroup and enable it.
  8. Go to the Group Management screen of the administrator interface.
  9. Create the group Peugeot Customer.
  10. Go to the Customers ↔ Groups screen of the administrator interface.
  11. Assign Customer 1 customer to the Peugeot Customer group.
  12. Go to the Dynamic Ticket Templates ↔ Groups screen of the administrator interface.
  13. Assign the Peugeot Customer group to the Peugeot Template template.
  14. Login in the external interface as customer user of Customer 1 and create a new ticket.
  15. Compare the pre-filled new ticket form with the expected results. Also notice that the ticket type is pre-selected as default and service is also pre-selected as Peugeot Service.

You can also set the optional settings, but for this example we will not use these optional settings, so you can leave it as default.

See also

If no template is assigned to a group and the notification is enabled, such notification can be customized by adding different recipients or updating the notification body. To do this, edit the Missing DTT assignment for CustomerGroup notification in the Ticket Notifications screen of the administrator interface.

Dynamic Ticket Templates and Ticket Workflows

For this example we will use the VW Template 1 defined previously.

The goal to activate a predefined ticket workflow when create a new ticket using a particular dynamic ticket template.

See also

Please follow the Ticket Workflow documentation for the steps to create a new ticket workflow.

Create a ticket workflow:

  • Name: VWWorkflow1
  • Comment: VW workflow 1
  • Valid: valid
  • Clone tasks from: -

Create a workflow task:

  • Name: Oil Change Task
  • To queue: Misc
  • Owner: -
  • Depends on: -
  • Description: Change the oil
  • Attachment: -
  • Priority: 3 normal

Create an other workflow task:

  • Name: Oil Filter Change Task
  • To queue: Misc
  • Owner: -
  • Depends on: Oil Change Task
  • Description: Change the oil filter
  • Attachment: -
  • Priority: 3 normal

Create an other workflow task:

  • Name: Air Filter Change Task
  • To queue: Misc
  • Owner: -
  • Depends on: -
  • Description: Change the air filter
  • Attachment: -
  • Priority: 3 normal

Create an other workflow task:

  • Name: Fluids Check
  • To queue: Misc
  • Owner: -
  • Depends on: Oil Change Task
  • Description: Check all fluids
  • Attachment: -
  • Priority: 4 high


When dynamic ticket templates detect the installation of Ticket Workflow package, more options are revealed in the template edit screen.

To assign a ticket workflow to a dynamic ticket template:

  1. Open the Dynamic Ticket Templates module of the Ticket Settings group in the administrator interface.
  2. Click on the VW Template 1 template name to edit it.
  3. Set the workflow field to VW Workflow 1.
  4. Click on the Save button.

To activate a template and a workflow:

  1. Click on the New phone ticket menu item of the Ticket menu in the navigation bar.
  2. A new Ticket Workflow field has appeared. This field is just informative and can not be changed in ticket create screens, just in the dynamic ticket template definition. It shows the name of the ticket workflow to be applied automatically when the new ticket is created.
  3. Fill the form with the following data:
    • Type: Unclassified
    • From customer: Customer 1
    • Service: VW Service
    • Dynamic Ticket Template: VW Template 1
  4. After selecting the VW Template 1, the Ticket Workflow field will be filled with the VW Workflow 1.
  5. Fill any other required field and submit the ticket.
  6. After the ticket is created, click on the ticket number in the notification area at the top of the screen to open the new ticket.
  7. Look for the link table, either in the sidebar if configuration setting is set to simple or at the bottom of the page if is set to complex.
  8. Verify that the list of liked tickets are the same as the tasks that were defined in the VW Workflow 1 ticket workflow.

Dynamic ACL Module

The package includes the functionality of the package Hide/Show Dynamic Fields and adds so-called dynamic ticket templates (DTT), which are capable of explicitly hiding and/or showing dynamic fields in ticket create forms.

This is realized via a ticket ACL module shipped with the package, which - based on the configured templates - dynamically creates a special ACL for hiding and/or showing certain dynamic fields.

All configured and valid ACLs are executed based on their names in ascending alphanumeric order, for example:


The resulting rules of these ACLs are merged in the background for the related views, if possible. If they conflict with certain data (i.e. AAAFirstACL explicitly hides a certain field, while CCCThirdACL explicitly redisplays the same field), the latest ACL (in our example CCCThirdACL) will be executed last and has therefore the higher priority.

To be able to influence the priority of the resulting rules, the system configuration setting Ticket::DynamicTicketTemplate::ACLName contains the name of this generated ACL. This name can be customized to match the already active set of configured ACLs correctly.