Outdated documentation

You are looking at the documentation for an older release. For the latest information, please see current release documentation.

Administrator Interface

This package has no administrator interface.

System Configuration

The package has no default configuration for customer users and SLAs available only for VIP customer users. Customer users and SLAs have to be added in the system configuration.

To set VIP status for a customer user:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.
  2. Select OTRSVIPCustomer in the Navigation widget.
  3. Navigate to Core → OTRSVIPCustomer in the navigation tree.
  4. Add the customer user IDs (login names) to setting VIP::UIDs.

To set an existing SLA only available for VIP customer users:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.
  2. Select OTRSVIPCustomer in the Navigation widget.
  3. Navigate to Core → OTRSVIPCustomer in the navigation tree.
  4. Add the SLAs to setting VIP::SLAs.


If a customer user is configured as a VIP, the internal customer record will have the attribute UserVIP set to TRUE. This allows to access the customer user’s VIP status through other technical facilities, such as ACL definitions.