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Ticket Zoom

After installation of the package, the functionality is automatically integrated in the Ticket Pending screen. If there was an unexpired pending time set before, the Ticket Pending screen is pre-filled with the information of the last action where the pending time was set.

Use Case Example

  1. The agent sets a pending state with a pending time and other information like subject and text in the ticket.
  2. The pending time is stored now in the Ticket Information widget in the right sidebar of the Ticket Zoom screen.
  3. Before the pending time is expired, an incoming customer communication resets the pending time (the customer answers with “thanks”).
  4. With the functionality of this package the agent is able to restore the pending time within the Ticket Pending screen easily.
  5. When the agent opens the Ticket Pending screen, the fields are pre-filled with the information from the last entry which set a pending time.


There are several options to set a pending time, but the pre-fill functionality is only integrated in the Ticket Pending screen.

The text field is only pre-filled from note articles, since this is the type of article the Ticket Pending screen creates.